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Why Is Added Sugar Bad for You?

"Added sugar is bad for you." We've all heard this, but why? Especially when your body can't differentiate between "added" and "natural" sugar? We explore.   The…

What You Need to Know about Using Weight Loss Drugs

Given their impressive ability to reduce body weight, using weight loss drugs may seem like a no-brainer. But one has to ask, "What's the catch?" What You…

Can Ginseng Help with Menopause Symptoms? (Research Says Yes)

Menopause can be a miserable time. But it doesn't have to be. Learn how ginseng could help you feel and function better — so you thrive.  …

4 Ways Ginseng Can Improve Your Gut Health

Trying to improve your gut health? Then you might want to look into ginseng — learn how this herb regulates your gut microbiota and more in this…

American vs. Asian Ginseng: Which Is the Best Type of Ginseng?

American vs. Asian ginseng: learn ginseng's history, how these two species differ, and whether there's truly a species better than the other here. “Ginseng is good for…

3 Best Adaptogens to Bring Along on an Outdoor Adventure

An outdoor adventure offers a much-needed respite from city life. But it's also physically and mentally stressful; these adaptogens could help your body cope. 3 Best Adaptogens…

Does Ginseng Keep You Awake or Help You Fall Asleep?

Does ginseng keep you awake or help you fall asleep? The science can be unclear, but don’t worry because we get to the bottom of it all…

4 Proven Ginseng Benefits for Female Fertility and Health

Ginseng's benefits for female fertility, sexual function, and health are well-documented. In this article, we explore four key benefits you need to know. Ginseng offers many pleasurable…

4 Proven Ginseng Benefits for Men

Chinese emperors were obsessed with ginseng. For good reason. Here, discover 4 proven benefits of ginseng for men. It's a, um, pleasurable read—we promise. Ginseng can do…

Ginseng for Weight Loss: Does It Work?

Many weight loss "hacks" out there don't work. What about ginseng? Here, we explore whether ginseng truly works for weight loss, so you can stop wondering. Ginseng…

Caffeine vs. Ginseng: Which Is Better?

Ginseng should be your preferred caffeine alternative. It wards off fatigue without harming health in the long term – learn more in this article. The mid-day slump…

Your Guide to Using North American Ginseng

You've heard wonders about North American ginseng. But just how much of it should you take, in what form (e.g., slice or extract), and how often? Find…

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